Monday, November 28, 2005

When frameworks collide...

WebWork merging with Struts to become Struts Ti: "Patrick Lightbody, in 'WebWork joining Struts,' has announced that WebWork is going to merge into Struts, becoming the 'Struts Action Framework 2.0.' The main benefit for WebWork, he says, is the Struts community, while Ted Husted says that the intention for Struts Ti was to use WebWork as the core for the action framework."

This is an interesting combination- I wonder which parts of Struts they would keep in this scenario? Two places where it was always lacking were in the construction of multi-page flows and in simple UI construction. I think the problem with a lot of these frameworks is that they just go too far down the old configuration road. If everything is configurable, you don't really have an application, you just have another layer in a stack. Too many of these things make you feel like you are programming in XML, rather than using it as a data representation format. Maybe they can slide in some Rails style convention over configuration principles in as part of the integration....