Monday, July 06, 2020

Lowering the bar

I have another post sitting in the dock, but I can't really release it because I need to think about it a bit more. I've been trying to lower the bar yet again so that I can produce some shorter things, but I still don't want to put out things that are wrong!

Fred Wilson at AVC has posted about how he has been getting shorter with his blog.

If shorter is good enough for Fred, it's good enough for me.

Short content seems like Twitter. I just am not finding Twitter rewarding lately. It seems like the Cultural Revolution on there, just people spitting at each other. Not pleasant in any way. I was trying to keep a list of just silly funny stuff in my approach to using lists as the way to consume Twitter, and only following people I know personally and am thus less likely to be sickened by. I just can't stick to it properly and keep following people.

Anyway, things are so ugly on Twitter I don't even feel like linking up these posts there.