Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Google Enterprise Professional- on earth

Google's expanding their partner program to include "Google Earth Specialists" Spatial Energy. Noah D. wrote a brief note on the enterprise blog. Our company joined the partner program initially to do things with the search appliance, but maybe the earth appliance is around the corner.

Spatial Energy looks like they have an interesting angle. It's a good match for companies with a lot of experience in imagery and orthorectification to get involved with Google Earth Enterprise. If you want to make a good looking globe, you need some good looking data. Their focus is in the energy market, where perhaps the inability of Google Earth to look underground will be felt more acutely? If anyone in the energy community is in Houston on Oct. 18, they are doing a seminar that is going to cover a few topics, including SketchUp integration.


Anonymous said...

Hi Matt, wrong link on "brief note".
Alex - http://slashgeo.org

Matt McKnight said...

fixing, ta!