Why Maven Sucks (as compared to good old ant)
Maven is a build tool for Java. It suuuuuuuuuucks. I am not alone in thinking this.
Get out while you still can.
[Ship, 2007]
Any other community would be like "what the hell is this?"
[Rocher, 2008]
While you may think of the Maven 2 version you downloaded as building your code, it actually is just an engine that by itself, can't build squat. When you start Maven 2, it will try to download the latest and greatest of every core plugin, the bits that actually do the work. This means that even though two developers are using Maven 2.0.8, they could be using different plugin versions and therefore, the build is not consistent.
[Brown, 2008] (Maven patch submitter)
Maven suffers from a lack of flexibility and robustness
[Hanin, 2008]
It might cost you as much time to build your first Maven project as it does to LEARN Ant and build your first complex project.
[Carapetyan, 2008] (Maven evangelist)
Do they have a chapter called "Why do the repositories suck so much?" :)
[TSS Comment on free Maven book]
It introduces additional dependencies in your build process.
- Dependencies suck. The simple formula for operational availability is to multiply the availabilities of the interdependent systems. When you start with maven, there are a lot more things that have to be running- just to be able to compile some code. This is a measurable cost.
It introduces additional complexity in your build process.
- You are adding a lot of code to a project by adding Maven. You are adding dependent jars without necessarily knowing where they came from. If you build your own jar repository- it is a significant amount of work. If you don't, you are at the mercy of the Internet.
It is hard to debug when something is going wrong.
It took us a couple of days to get working. And then it immediately broke again. With completely different errors on three separate developer machines.
The side of evil will persistently keep trying to shoehorn maven into their projects and pretend they’re enjoying it. The side of good would rather gnaw off their own unmentionables than touch maven, and merrily keep getting things done faster, better, and lighter with ant (without paying Bruce Tate any denomination of any currency).
[Hani, 2004]
[Edit, 2009]
New graph of Maven adoption curve!
Go check out the above link for more...